STRAUSS: Getting Started

Try STRAUSS for yourself

If your preference is to work directly with the code you can obtain this from github. On the github pages you will find example applications, including those used to make Audio Universe: Tour of the Solar System

Alternatively, here you can try the Jupyter Python notebooks below to experiment with STRAUSS that were created for the Audible Universe 2 workshop. These are early prototype tutorials to highlight some of the functionality of STRAUSS and provide training for applications to some simple scientific data. 

We will continue to develop these to enhance the learning experience and further highlight even more features of STRAUSS. If you are keen to get started we would be pleased for you to try these and provide feedback. 

Browser-based Jupyter Notebook Examples

The only requirement is that you need your own Google Account so that you can save a copy of the notebook into your own Google Drive. Once you have done this, everything will run for you in the browser (no need to run Python/STRAUSS on your own machine) and any edits will be saved to your Google Drive. 


1. Follow the links below and then click “Open In Colab” button, which is at the top of the very top of the inline Notebook

2. When the project opens in Colab, immediately do File>Save a Copy in Drive. This will save a copy to your own Google Drive, so that you can make your own edits and save them as you explore the notebook.

3. Select Edit > Clear All Outputs.

4. Start reading the instructions inside the notebook.

5. To execute a code cell, click in the cell and then press the “Play” button

6. Feel free to edit the code and explore! For example, you can change the example data that is read in to experiment with sonifying the different examples.

Notebook example with star light curves: 


The data is also stored in the Google Drive in the form of csv files. There are three examples provided: 

GALEX_NUV_LC.csv: Flare stare

tic_lc.csv: Exclipsing binary star

kid11616200_lc.csv: Heartbeat star.

Notebook example with AGN galaxy spectra: 


The data is also stored in the Google Drive in the form of csv files.  These are grouped into three directories "Type1/" (four examples), "Type1.5/" (two examples) and "Type2/" (four examples). 

Section 2 of the notebook explains how to access the data with the different file names. 

Notebook example with multi-variate galaxy simulation data 


This example accesses the star-formation and metal-enrichment histories of 5 galaxies from the EAGLE simulations. It shows an example of how to sonify multiple properties at once (in a time-series like sonification).